Admin. Does changes the fundamentals of the game with no (gamers) notice and no thought to the fact that the changes have massive impacts on the real cash players spend on the game itself. Nothing worse than investing, only to find out that the structure of the game changes and the value of your investment is eroded over night with zero consultation.
Whats worse is the fact that uken has the worst player admin. Interaction policy. They rarely, almost never, seek player feedback in advance of changes. They force changes on their communities, despite being told explicitly that the community is opposed to them enmasse!
Finally, their developers lack the ability to understand how the mechanical changes impact the game from the perspective of the variety of gaming styles. They appear to only have a single thought process and do not understand the web of implications that a single change can have on the gaming experience.
In short I suggest you avoid Uken games if you are just considering to download them. If you are already a gamer, I suggest you do not spend any real life cash on a game that the admin WILL change in ways that will erode the value and functioning of the cash bought items.
Inc....... about Forces of War, v1.40